Thursday, May 19, 2011

I'm No Superman

There's something about the thought of Superhero's that intrigues almost every human being at one point or another in their lives.

Wikipedia defines Superhero as "a benevolent fictional character with superhuman powers, such as Superman"...

Seriously, how cool would it be to be Superman???...

Now before you all get a little weird on me let me just clarify a few things here... 

No I am not one of those females that wishes she was a male,
and no I do not have the desire to run around in a spedo and a cape , 
and yes, I know, humans cannot fly....

Yet while I know all of this to be true it doesn't change the fact that, I will most likely always have the desire to be a COMPLETE bad ass, who, no matter what at the end of the day always gets exactly what she wants especially if all I had to do was worry about a little kryptonite.

I guess in our own way us everyday civilians can be "superheroes" at times as well, if you think about it. The military, doctors, nurses, police, firemen... they are our everyday "Superheroes" protecting and saving lives every single moment of every day; never holding anything back and risking everything to do it.  They are the real superheroes of today. 

Part of me still wishes that I could be one of those fictional superheroes though.... With the real powers ;-)

If I could be any superhero though I don't think I would be able to just pick one.... I think I would want to be some kind of mash up of at least the top five superheroes... 

I'd want Spiderman's web thing because well... think about how handy that would be on a day to day basis. 

Clearly I would have to have Wonder Woman's figure along with her AWESOME bracelets ;-)

And although green isn't that great of a color on me... the Hulks badass awesomeness hasn't faltered from my memory TRUST ME. 

To me the coolest thing about superheroes is how selfless they are. I can honestly say that if you aren't family or a really close friend, I don't think I would risk my life to save yours. My fight or flight mode is typically on flight. 

Now, just to help you decipher that last statement a little... There is a HUGE difference between my ability to stick up for myself, give my life for someone I love and my ability to look down the barrel of a .22 on some strangers behalf. 

I will fight to protect myself, my family and my friends. But strangers??? 

Probably not. 

I guess that (and superhuman strength) is what separates me from the tough guys. 

But I've got something they don't... NO KRYPTONITE ;-). 

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